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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Newspapers Online

 Notes made from a talk given by Shauna Hicks at Yarrawonga Family History Group on October 9th, 2011
There are many Australasian papers online these days but it is still important to keep checking indexes of Newspapers. OCR technology used to digitise and read the print on many of the poorer quality newspapers is still not perfect and if you are doing a search of the newspaper you miss the article or person you are searching for.  Some resources with guides:

AFFHO’s Index of Indexes - http://www.affho.org/indexes/search.php
Judy Webster’s Guides - http://www.judywebster.com.au/
National Library of Australia Newspaper Indexes - http://www.nla.gov.au/research-guides/newspaper-indexes
Cora Num – Websites for Genealogists - http://www.coraweb.com.au/newspaper.htm

Some Australian Papers you will find in indexes online are:
The Argus Index 1870-79 http://www.nla.gov.au/argus/
Ryerson Index which currently has death notices, probate notices and obituaries for 192 newspapers across Australia. These are mostly current dates.  - http://www.ryersonindex.org/

TROVE is the National Library of Australia’s online catalogue. It is a good idea to register and log in to TROVE when you are doing a search as it will allow you to search in “my library”, which enables you to see where the nearest library to you has that particular resource and whether you can do an inter-library loan. This will also allow you when searching and looking at newspaper articles to create tags on articles and correct mistakes in the text version of the articles. - http://trove.nla.gov.au

New Zealand Papers and Periodicals can be found online at Papers Past. They currently have papers covering dates from 1839 – 1945 - http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast

British Newspapers
London, Edinburgh and Belfast Gazettes can be searched if you register -

The National Library of Australia offers access to approximately 94 subscription databases through their eResources - http://www.nla.gov.au/app/eresources Anyone in Australia can register and receive a National library card. There are many British newspapers available through this service including The London Times, Burnley Collection, Illustrated London Times, 19th Century British Collection, 19th Century UK Periodicals is found through the Gale NewsVault. Note: When looking at very old newspapers and searching for names containing s or ss don’t forget to substitute it with an f or ff. Eg Harrison would be found as Harrifon.

The Scotsman Digital Archives 1817-1950. You will need to pay for this one. http://archive.scotsman.com/

Irish Newspapers
Irish Newspaper Archives have newspapers from 1700 to present http://irishnewsarchive.com/ This can also be accessed through the eResources on the NLA site.

Online Newspapers Worldwide has links to all kinds of current or mostly recent newspapers worldwide. You could use these sites to look at the real estate in the areas your ancestors came from or even possibly put an advertisement in search of your family names. http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/ Remember you can use the Google Translate tool if you are trying to read foreign papers. http://translate.google.com.au/?hl=en


  1. Thanks for mentioning "Judy Webster’s Guides". As I now have my own domain name, the Web address has changed to www.judywebster.com.au.
