It was a cold old night for our AGM and that kept a few people away. Most of the positions remain unchanged except our Treasurer will be Jan Hickey, Rick needing a break from the job after all those years doing a wonderful job. We are keeping our fees the same again this year.
When all that business was over we got on to our normal meeting. Some points of interest that came up, were that we now have funding to have the Rate Books for Cobram digitized. This will be done through PROV and we will have a copy of this to keep in our rooms for access. The years they cover are 1953 to 1986. More news will be announced when these become available.
Currently doing research on a local Tocumwal Family with connections to Cobram.
Robert Samuel Hutson son of Samuel John Ives Hutson and Ann Teitz. I am collating more information on this family if anyone is interested.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Phillip Hutson and Samuel Hutson was my great great grandfather. My Great Grandfather was Edwin Hutson.
Samuels father was John Hutson. The family immigrated from Brighton in the UK on the ship Fairlea arriving in Hobart in 1837.
I can be contacted on
Will reply with some info directly to you Phillip.